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Definition and Synonyms for 放る
1. | ほうる | 力強く投げる |
Cast | throw forcefully | |
Synonyms: | ひる, 投げる, 投じる, 投球, 放る, 放る, 放る, 放り投げる | |
2. | ほうる | 空気中で推進する |
Throw | propel through the air | |
Synonyms: | ひる, 投げる, 投じる, 投擲, 放る, 放る, 放る, 放り投げる | |
3. | ぶん投げる | 力を込めて、または見境いなく投げる |
Fling | throw with force or recklessness | |
Synonyms: | ひる, ほっぽる, ぶん投げる, 投げる, 投じる, 放る, 放る, 放る | |
4. | ほうる | 軽く投げる、あるいぽいと放る |
Sky | throw or toss with a light motion | |
Synonyms: | ひる, トス, 投げる, 放る, 放る, 放る | |
5. | ほうる | 不注意の投球 |
Toss | throw carelessly | |
Synonyms: | ひる, ほっぽる, ひり出す, 放る, 放る, 放る, 放り出す, 放り投げる | |
6. | ひょいと投げる | 速いモーションで投げるまたはトスする |
Flick | throw or toss with a quick motion | |
Synonyms: | ひる, 放る, 放る, 放る | |
7. | ほうる | どちらの側があがってくるかを調べるために、軽く投げる |
Flip | lightly throw to see which side comes up | |
Synonyms: | ひる, トス, はじく, 弾く, 投げる, 放る, 放る, 放る, 放り投げる | |
8. | ほうる | 突然、または慌てふためいて動く |
Fling | move in an abrupt or headlong manner | |
Synonyms: | ひる, ほっぽる, ひり出す, 放る, 放る, 放る, 放り出す | |
9. | ストップ | 状態または活動に終止符を打つ |
Lay Off | put an end to a state or an activity | |
Synonyms: | おく, ひる, よす, しまう, やめる, ストップ, 中止, 停止, 取り止める, 廃す, 廃する, 打ち切り, 打ち切る, 措く, 放る, 放る, 放る, 断つ, 止す, 止む, 止める, 留める, 終える |
Meanings for each kanji in 放る
» | 放 | set free; release; fire; shoot; emit; banish; liberate |
Categories 放る is a member of
1. | ほうる | 空気中で推進する |
Throw | propel through the air | |
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2. | 前進させる | 力と共に前進させる |
Propel | cause to move forward with force | |
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3. | ぶん投げる | 力を込めて、または見境いなく投げる |
Fling | throw with force or recklessness | |
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4. | 動かす | 位置を変えるために動く、そして、並進運動ではない動きを実行する |
Move | move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion | |
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5. | 押す | 力による動き、 |
Force | move with force, | |
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6. | 向き直る | 抽象的な意味でも、方角または方向を変える |
Turn | change orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense | |
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Conjugations for 放る
Plain Form
Polite Form
Tai Form
Imperative Plain Form
Imperative Polite Form
Provisional Form
Conditional Form
Alternative Form
Potential Plain Form
Potential Polite Form
Passive Plain Form
Passive Polite Form
Causative Plain Form
Causative Polite Form
Causative Passive Plain Form
Causative Passive Polite Form
Colloquial Form
Formal Form
Classical Form (nu)
Classical Form (zaru)
Sample Sentences for 放る
Wolverine can kill a prey that is 5 times the size of it, but only in rather deep snow where large animals get stuck.
Please see that the birds in the cage get water and food every day.
"Your order?" "Orange juice." "With ice?" "Yes." "Thanks for your business."
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