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Definition and Synonyms for いじめる
1. | 苛める | 犬と共に攻撃するか、犬に襲わせる |
Bait | attack with dogs or set dogs upon | |
Synonyms: | いじめる, 苛む | |
2. | 小衝く | 残酷に扱う |
Dun | treat cruelly | |
Synonyms: | いびる, なぶる, いじめる, いたぶる, 切り苛む, 小突き回す, 苛む, 責め苛む | |
3. | 小衝く | 感情的または精神的に苦しめる |
Torture | torment emotionally or mentally | |
Synonyms: | いびる, なぶる, いじめる, いたぶる, 切り苛む, 小突き回す, 拷問, 苛む, 責める, 責め苛む | |
4. | 小衝く | あざけるか、ふざけてからかう |
Tease | mock or make fun of playfully | |
Synonyms: | なぶる, いじめる, からかう, おちょくる, おちゃらかす, 冷やかす, 嘲る, 小突く, 小突き回す, 揶揄, 苛む, 茶々を入れる | |
5. | 虐める | かすんだ、ぼんやりした、または、不確かな状態になる |
Haze | become hazy, dull, or cloudy | |
Synonyms: | いじめる | |
6. | いびる | しつこく悩ませる |
Bug | annoy persistently | |
Synonyms: | いびる, いじめる, いたぶる, 苛む | |
7. | 酷遇 | 下手に扱う |
Ill-Use | treat badly | |
Synonyms: | いびる, いじめる, 小突き回す, 苛む, 虐げる, 虐待, 虐遇, 責め苛む, 酷遇 | |
8. | 悩ます | 継続的に、または慢性的に悩ます |
Harry | annoy continually or chronically | |
Synonyms: | いじめる, いたぶる, 嫌がる, 嫌がらせ, 患う, 悩ます, 煩わす, 煩わせる, 苛む, 苦しむ, 苦しめる, 責める, 責め立てる, 責め苛む | |
9. | 虐める | 軍事施設でのように、屈辱的で痛みを伴う任務を課すことによって悩ませる |
Haze | harass by imposing humiliating or painful tasks, as in military institutions | |
Synonyms: | いじめる |
Categories いじめる is a member of
1. | 取りあつかう | ある方法で交わる |
Do By | interact in a certain way | |
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2. | 小衝く | 残酷に扱う |
Dun | treat cruelly | |
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3. | 曇らせる | 曇で覆う、あるいは曇りにする |
Overcast | make overcast or cloudy | |
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4. | 苦します | 感情的な苦悶を引き起こすか、惨めにする |
Hurt | cause emotional anguish or make miserable | |
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5. | あざ笑う | 笑いまたは嘲笑の対象となる |
Laugh At | subject to laughter or ridicule | |
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6. | 逆撫でる | 不快感にさせる |
Get To | cause annoyance in | |
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7. | 悩ます | 継続的に、または慢性的に悩ます |
Harry | annoy continually or chronically | |
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8. | 襲いかかる | 物理的または感情的にだれかを攻撃する |
Assail | attack someone physically or emotionally | |
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Conjugations for いじめる
Plain Form
Polite Form
Tai Form
Imperative Plain Form
Imperative Polite Form
Provisional Form
Conditional Form
Alternative Form
Potential Plain Form
Potential Polite Form
Colloquial Potential Plain Form
Colloquial Potential Polite Form
Passive Plain Form
Passive Polite Form
Causative Plain Form
Causative Polite Form
Causative Passive Plain Form
Causative Passive Polite Form
Colloquial Form
Formal Form
Classical Form (nu)
Classical Form (zaru)
Sample Sentences for いじめる
Seeing my younger brother trembling before his bullies sent my heart racing and made me angry at the same time.
A man of weak will is the target of criticism; even his friends would badger him into correcting his defects.
Even a rabbit, if badgered into a corner, will fight back.
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