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Definition and Synonyms for 外れ
1. | 外辺 | 遠く隔った区域(都市か町の) |
Outskirts | outlying areas (as of a city or town) | |
Synonyms: | 出外れ, 出外れる, 周辺, 外れ, 外れる, 外辺, 町外れ | |
2. | 末つ方 | 長さのある何かのどちらかの先端 |
Terminal | either extremity of something that has length | |
Synonyms: | そば, さっき, 先, 先, 先っぽ, 先端, 外れ, 外れる, 尻, 尻っぽ, 後端, 最後, 末, 末, 末, 末, 末つ方, 末梢, 末端, 棒先, 極端, 穴, 端, 端, 端, 端, 端っこ, 端末 | |
3. | 縁 | 境界を示している地域 |
Brink | a region marking a boundary | |
Synonyms: | そば, へり, ゆかり, 境界, 境界, 外れ, 外れる, 由, 端, 端, 端, 端, 縁, 縁, 縁 |
Meanings for each kanji in 外れ
» | 外 | outside |
Categories 外れ is a member of
1. | 末端 | 最も外側のまたは最も遠い領域またはポイント |
Extremity | the outermost or farthest region or point | |
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2. | 地区 | 地域的、政治的な区域や共同体、人々の集合の明確な区分 |
Section | a distinct region or subdivision of a territorial or political area or community or group of people | |
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3. | 縁 | 領域の範囲を決定づける線 |
Edge | a line determining the limits of an area | |
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Sample Sentences for 外れ
For one reason or another, their holiday in France wasn't as good as they expected it would be.
He turned out to be a real disappointment after we went through hell and high water to find him.
They lived in a very small house at the end of a long, gray street.
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