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noun, suru verb, no adjective, adverb

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English Meaning(s) for 繰り返し

noun, suru verb, no adjective
  1. repetition; repeat; reiteration; iteration; refrain; cycle
noun, adverb
  1. repeatedly

Definition and Synonyms for 繰り返し

Repeatedly several time
Synonyms: しきる, しきりと, しきりに, しばしば, しばしば, たびたび, くれぐれも, 一度ならず, 再三, 反復, 幾重にも, 打ち返す, 繰り返し, 繰り返す, 返す返す, 重ねて, 重ねる, 重ね重ね, 頻く頻く
Repeating the act of doing or performing again
Synonyms: ダブり, ダブる, リピート, 再演, 反復, 繰り返し, 繰り返す
Reiteration the act of repeating over and again (or an instance thereof)
Synonyms: 繰り返し, 繰り返す
Repeat an event that repeats
Synonyms: ダブり, ダブる, リピート, 再演, 繰り返し, 繰り返す, 重出, 重複
Looping executing the same set of instructions a given number of times or until a specified result is obtained
Synonyms: ループ, 反復, 繰り返し, 繰り返す
Iteration a single execution of a set of instructions that are to be repeated
Synonyms: ループ, 繰り返し, 繰り返す

Meanings for each kanji in 繰り返し

» winding; reel; spin; turn (pages); look up; refer to
» fade; return; answer; repay

Categories 繰り返し is a member of

Process a sustained phenomenon or one marked by gradual changes through a series of states
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Continuance the act of continuing an activity without interruption
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Repeating the act of doing or performing again
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Periodic Event an event that recurs at intervals
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 繰り返し

Sample Sentences for 繰り返し

Repetition plays an important role in language study.
I've warned you over and over again not to do it.
If you continue with the pointless arguments'll end up as a repeat of yesterday.
I was weary of doing the same thing over and over again.

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