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Definition and Synonyms for 荒らす
1. | 荒さ | 粗いまたは辛辣なスピーチまたは振舞い |
Roughness | harsh or severe speech or behavior | |
Synonyms: | 荒い, 荒らす | |
2. | 分捕る | 物品を盗む |
Rifle | steal goods | |
Synonyms: | かすめる, 分捕る, 剥ぐ, 劫掠, 収奪, 奪う, 奪い取る, 奪掠, 強奪, 掠め奪う, 略す, 略する, 略取, 略奪, 荒らす | |
3. | ラフさ | 磨きがかけられていない、洗練されていない性質 |
Crudeness | an unpolished unrefined quality | |
Synonyms: | 無骨, 粗い, 粗野, 荒い, 荒くれ, 荒らす, 荒々しい, 荒々しさ, 荒っぽい, 蛮骨 | |
4. | 荒す | 完全に大規模な破壊または壊滅を引き起こす |
Desolate | cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly | |
Synonyms: | 吹き荒れる, 荒らす | |
5. | 荒 | 野生のまたは洗練されていない状態 |
Primitiveness | a wild or unrefined state | |
Synonyms: | あら, ほぼ, がらっぱち, 乱暴, 伝法, 暴, 粗, 粗い, 粗笨, 粗野, 荒い, 荒れ, 荒くれ, 荒らす, 荒れる, 荒々しい, 荒々しさ, 荒っぽい, 蛮骨 | |
6. | 荒荒しさ | 感覚に不快である質(荒い、雑であるあるいは不快感を与える) |
Harshness | the quality of being unpleasant (harsh or rough or grating) to the senses | |
Synonyms: | がさがさ, 刺々しい, 嵯峨, 耳障り, 苛烈, 荒い, 荒らす, 荒々しい, 荒々しさ, 荒っぽい, 険 | |
7. | 分捕る | 略奪品として取る |
Rifle | take as spoils | |
Synonyms: | かすめる, 分捕る, 剥ぐ, 劫掠, 収奪, 奪う, 奪い取る, 奪掠, 強奪, 掠め奪う, 略す, 略する, 略取, 略奪, 荒らす |
Meanings for each kanji in 荒らす
» | 荒 | laid waste; rough; rude; wild |
Categories 荒らす is a member of
1. | ぶち毀す | 撃滅する |
Ruin | destroy completely | |
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2. | 奪い取る | 力ずくで取得する |
Take | take by force | |
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3. | 天然 | 文明に影響されない野生的で原始的な状態 |
Natural State | a wild primitive state untouched by civilization | |
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4. | 強化 | 何かをより激しくする行動 |
Intensification | action that makes something stronger or more extreme | |
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5. | 不快 | 不快にする性質 |
Unpleasantness | the quality of giving displeasure | |
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6. | 品のよさと趣味のよさに欠けている性質 | |
Inelegance | the quality of lacking refinement and good taste | |
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Conjugations for 荒らす
Plain Form
Polite Form
Tai Form
Imperative Plain Form
Imperative Polite Form
Provisional Form
Conditional Form
Alternative Form
Potential Plain Form
Potential Polite Form
Passive Plain Form
Passive Polite Form
Causative Plain Form
Causative Polite Form
Causative Passive Plain Form
Causative Passive Polite Form
Colloquial Form
Formal Form
Classical Form (nu)
Classical Form (zaru)
Sample Sentences for 荒らす
The following is thought to be one of the reasons stress damages the stomach's mucous membrane.
I just don't understand what goes through the minds of people who troll forums.
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