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Definition and Synonyms for ほのめかす
1. | 暗示 | 程度の差はあるが偽りの参照をする |
Advert | make a more or less disguised reference to | |
Synonyms: | ほのめかす, 暗示 | |
2. | 暗示 | わずかな提案または漠然とした理解 |
Intimation | a slight suggestion or vague understanding | |
Synonyms: | ほのめかし, ほのめかす, 暗示 | |
3. | 匂わす | 理解を与える |
Intimate | give to understand | |
Synonyms: | ほのめかす, 匂う, 匂わす, 匂わせる, 暗示 | |
4. | 暗示 | 間接暗示 |
Intimation | an indirect suggestion | |
Synonyms: | ヒント, ほのめかし, ほのめかす, サゼッション, サジェスチョン, 暗示, 示唆, 諷喩, 黙示 | |
5. | 手蔓 | わずかな暗示 |
Hint | a slight indication | |
Synonyms: | きー, キー, ヒント, ほのめかし, ほのめかす, 手がかり, 手掛け, 手蔓, 暗示, 示唆, 端緒, 糸口, 緒, 緒, 鍵, 鍵 | |
6. | 匂わす | ヒントを与える |
Suggest | drop a hint | |
Synonyms: | かすめる, ほのめかす, サジェスト, 匂う, 匂わす, 匂わせる, 暗示, 示唆 | |
7. | 暗示 | 表現するか、間接的に述べる |
Connote | express or state indirectly | |
Synonyms: | ほのめかす, 含意, 含蓄, 寓する, 暗示, 黙示 | |
8. | 匂わす | 暗示的に親密な |
Suggest | intimate by a hint | |
Synonyms: | かすめる, ほのめかす, サジェスト, 匂う, 匂わす, 匂わせる, 暗示, 示唆 |
Categories ほのめかす is a member of
1. | 匂わす | ヒントを与える |
Suggest | drop a hint | |
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2. | プロポーザル | 提案される考え |
Suggestion | an idea that is suggested | |
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3. | しるし | 何かを示すまたは暗示するのに役立つもの |
Indication | something that serves to indicate or suggest | |
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4. | 現す | 表現をする |
Show | give expression to | |
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5. | 伝達 | 知らせる |
Convey | make known | |
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6. | 提案 | 承認か拒否のために出された提案 |
Proffer | a proposal offered for acceptance or rejection | |
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Conjugations for ほのめかす
Plain Form
Polite Form
Tai Form
Imperative Plain Form
Imperative Polite Form
Provisional Form
Conditional Form
Alternative Form
Potential Plain Form
Potential Polite Form
Passive Plain Form
Passive Polite Form
Causative Plain Form
Causative Polite Form
Causative Passive Plain Form
Causative Passive Polite Form
Colloquial Form
Formal Form
Classical Form (nu)
Classical Form (zaru)
Sample Sentences for ほのめかす
None of them could understand what she was implying.
A high school girl posting on a web forum hinting at underaged prostitution has been arrested.
The prime minister hinted at the possibility of an early election.
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