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Definition and Synonyms for 下
1. | 本 | 臓器の連結している箇所に一番近い部位 |
Base | the part of an organ nearest its point of attachment | |
Synonyms: | ばかし, ばかり, ユアン, 下, 付け根, 元, 元, 元, 土台, 基, 基, 基地, 基本, 基盤, 基礎, 拠点, 本, 本拠, 本拠地, 根底, 根拠, 根拠地, 進数 | |
2. | 下 | 俳優から見て舞台の右 |
Right Stage | the part of the stage on the actor's right as the actor faces the audience | |
Synonyms: | 下, 下, 下, 下, 下, 下手, 下手, 下手 | |
3. | 根元 | 底、あるいは最も下の部分 |
Base | the bottom or lowest part | |
Synonyms: | ふもと, 下, 下, 下, 下, 下, 下様, 基底, 基部, 尻, 底, 底, 底辺, 底部, 底面, 根元, 根本, 根本, 根源, 穴, 裾 | |
4. | 劣性 | 地位や身分や教養が劣る人 |
Inferior | one of lesser rank or station or quality | |
Synonyms: | 下, 下, 下, 下, 下, 二流, 二の町, 劣性 | |
5. | 本 | 次のさらに高い桁の数と同値の正の整数 |
Base | the positive integer that is equivalent to one in the next higher counting place | |
Synonyms: | ばかし, ばかり, ユアン, 下, 付け根, 元, 元, 元, 土台, 基, 基, 基地, 基数, 基本, 基盤, 基礎, 拠点, 本, 本拠, 本拠地, 根底, 根拠, 根拠地, 進数 |
Meanings for each kanji in 下
» | 下 | below; down; descend; give; low; inferior |
Categories 下 is a member of
1. | すそ | あらゆるものの最も低い部分 |
Bottom | the lowest part of anything | |
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2. | 右寄り | 右側に近い、または右方向の位置 |
Right | location near or direction toward the right side | |
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3. | 部分 | 自然物の一部 |
Part | a portion of a natural object | |
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4. | 信徒 | 他の人のリーダーシップを受け入れる人 |
Follower | a person who accepts the leadership of another | |
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5. | 数 | ゼロと単位を含む、量の概念 |
Number | a concept of quantity involving zero and units | |
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Sample Sentences for 下
It is not reasonable to suppose that this rule is applicable under any condition.
The basis of this system is that the students must take turns in teaching, they have to help each other.
Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God.
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