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Definition and Synonyms for 悪徳
1. | 貪汚 | 誰かの(または一部のグループのもの)正直さまたは忠誠を破壊すること |
Subversion | destroying someone's (or some group's) honesty or loyalty | |
Synonyms: | 収賄, 堕落, 悪徳, 汚濁, 汚職, 腐敗, 貪汚, 贈収賄, 贈賄, 黄白 | |
2. | 貪汚 | 正直さ、誠実さの欠如(特に贈収賄行為の影響を受けやすいこと) |
Corruptness | lack of integrity or honesty (especially susceptibility to bribery) | |
Synonyms: | 収賄, 悪徳, 汚濁, 汚職, 腐敗, 貪汚, 贈収賄, 贈賄, 黄白 | |
3. | 貪汚 | 物質の腐食(例えば腐れや酸化によって) |
Corruption | decay of matter (as by rot or oxidation) | |
Synonyms: | 収賄, 悪徳, 汚濁, 汚職, 腐敗, 貪汚, 贈収賄, 贈賄, 黄白 | |
4. | 貪汚 | 腐敗が進行している状態 |
Putridness | in a state of progressive putrefaction | |
Synonyms: | 収賄, 悪徳, 汚濁, 汚職, 腐敗, 貪汚, 贈収賄, 贈賄, 黄白 | |
5. | 不道徳 | 道徳的に好ましくない振舞い |
Immorality | morally objectionable behavior | |
Synonyms: | にくい, 不正行為, 不義, 不道徳, 悪, 悪, 悪い, 悪事, 悪徳, 悪行, 憎い | |
6. | 悪風 | 悪行の特定の形式 |
Vice | a specific form of evildoing | |
Synonyms: | 不善, 悪弊, 悪徳, 悪習, 悪風 | |
7. | 不道徳 | 正しく、良い行為の基準と一致しない性質 |
Immorality | the quality of not being in accord with standards of right or good conduct | |
Synonyms: | 不倫, 不徳, 不義, 不行状, 不行跡, 不道徳, 悪徳, 淫風 | |
8. | 貪汚 | 道徳上の堕落 |
Degeneracy | moral perversion | |
Synonyms: | 不徳, 収賄, 堕落, 悪徳, 汚濁, 汚職, 腐敗, 自堕落, 貪汚, 贈収賄, 贈賄, 退廃, 黄白 | |
9. | 貪汚 | 道徳的な完全性を徐々にむしばむ |
Subversion | undermining moral integrity | |
Synonyms: | 収賄, 堕落, 悪徳, 汚濁, 汚職, 腐敗, 貪汚, 贈収賄, 贈賄, 黄白 | |
10. | 貪汚 | 不正な利益を得るために、地位や信用を利用すること |
Corruptness | use of a position of trust for dishonest gain | |
Synonyms: | 収賄, 悪徳, 汚濁, 汚職, 腐敗, 貪汚, 贈収賄, 贈賄, 黄白 | |
11. | 貪汚 | 美徳と道義を損なうこと |
Degeneracy | impairment of virtue and moral principles | |
Synonyms: | 不徳, 収賄, 堕落, 悪徳, 汚濁, 汚職, 腐敗, 自堕落, 貪汚, 贈収賄, 贈賄, 退廃, 黄白 |
Meanings for each kanji in 悪徳
» | 悪 | bad; vice; rascal; false; evil; wrong |
» | 徳 | benevolence; virtue; goodness; commanding respect |
Categories 悪徳 is a member of
1. | 顛落 | より低い状態(より尊敬されない状態)に変わること |
Debasement | changing to a lower state (a less respected state) | |
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2. | 反則 | 違反行為 |
Transgression | the act of transgressing | |
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3. | 性状 | 人や物の本質的で特徴的な属性 |
Quality | an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone | |
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4. | 不道徳 | 正しく、良い行為の基準と一致しない性質 |
Immorality | the quality of not being in accord with standards of right or good conduct | |
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5. | 不誠意 | 不正直である性質 |
Dishonesty | the quality of being dishonest | |
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6. | 衰微 | 徐々に劣っていく過程 |
Decay | the process of gradually becoming inferior | |
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7. | 腐 | 通常、悪臭を伴う腐敗の状態 |
Putrefaction | a state of decay usually accompanied by an offensive odor | |
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