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Entry Details for 援助

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noun, suru verb

English Meaning(s) for 援助

noun, suru verb
  1. assistance; aid; support

Definition and Synonyms for 援助

Financial Aid money to support a worthy person or cause
Synonyms: エイド, 助成, 扶助, 援助, 経済援助, 補助
Support a military operation (often involving new supplies of men and materiel) to strengthen a military force or aid in the performance of its mission
Synonyms: サポート, 加勢, 増援, 援助, 支援
Help the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose
Synonyms: ひとで, ヘルプ, アシスト, 一助, 与力, 人助け, 人手, 力添え, 加勢, , , 助く, 助け, 助ける, 助力, 助勢, 助太刀, 合力, 幇助, 応援, お手伝い, 手伝い, 手伝う, 手助け, 援助, 支援, 羽翼, 翼賛, 肩入れ, 補佐, 補助
Ministration assistance in time of difficulty
Synonyms: 扶助, 援助, 援護, 支援, 救い, 救う, 救援, 救済, 救済
Support the activity of providing for or maintaining by supplying with money or necessities
Synonyms: サポート, 助く, 助け, 助ける, 扶助, 援助, 援護, 支援, 補助
Support support materially or financially
Synonyms: サポート, 援助
Assist act as an assistant in a subordinate or supportive function
Synonyms: アシスト, 力添え, 加勢, 加担, 助く, 助ける, 助力, 助勢, 助成, 合力, 幇助, 手伝う, 手助け, 扶翼, 援助, 支援, 翼賛, 補佐, 補助, 輔翼
Help give help or assistance
Synonyms: ヘルプ, アシスト, 与力, 世話, 人助け, 介助, 介添え, 力添え, 加勢, 加担, 助く, 助ける, 助力, 助勢, 助成, 協賛, 合力, 幇助, 応援, お手伝い, 手伝う, 手助け, 扶助, 扶翼, 援助, 支援, 救助, 救援, 救済, 救済, 救護, 片肌脱ぐ, 羽翼, 肩入れ, 補佐, 補助, 資する, 賛助, 輔翼
Care the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something
Synonyms: ケア, 世話, 厄介, お守り, お守り, 御念, 手当, 援助, 配慮, 面倒, 面倒い
Back Up give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to
Synonyms: 助力, 励ます, 後押し, 後援, 応援, 援助, 援護, 支持
Behalf for someone's benefit
Synonyms: 利益, 味方, 援助
Service a means of serving
Synonyms: ヘルプ, 世話, 力添え, 助く, 助け, 助ける, 助け舟, 効用, 応援, お手伝い, 手伝い, 手伝う, 扶助, 援助, 支援, 救い, 救う, 救助, 救援, 救済, 救済, 救護, 用途, 補佐, 補助
Support something providing immaterial assistance to a person or cause or interest
Synonyms: おかげ, つかえる, サポート, 介助, 介添え, 力添え, 加勢, 加役, 加担, 助力, 助太刀, 助成, 助け舟, 協賛, 尻押し, 幇助, 後押し, 後援, 後ろ盾, 応援, お手伝い, 扶助, 扶持, 掩護射撃, 援助, 援護, , 支う, 支え, 支える, 支持, 支援, 救い, 救う, 痞え, 肩入れ, 補助, 賛助
Help be of service
Synonyms: ヘルプ, アシスト, 与力, 世話, 人助け, 介助, 介添え, 力添え, 加勢, 加担, 助く, 助ける, 助力, 助勢, 助成, 協賛, 合力, 幇助, 応援, お手伝い, 手伝う, 手助け, 扶助, 扶翼, 援助, 支援, 救助, 救援, 救済, 救済, 救護, 片肌脱ぐ, 羽翼, 肩入れ, 補佐, 補助, 資する, 賛助, 輔翼

Meanings for each kanji in 援助

» abet; help; save
» help; rescue; assist

Categories 援助 is a member of

Activity any specific behavior
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Work activity directed toward making or doing something
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Military Operation activity by a military or naval force (as a maneuver or campaign)
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Help the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose
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Give transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody
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Work exert oneself by doing mental or physical work for a purpose or out of necessity
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Back Up give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to
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Sake a reason for wanting something done
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Influence a cognitive factor that tends to have an effect on what you do
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Gift something acquired without compensation
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Helpfulness the property of providing useful assistance
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 援助

Sample Sentences for 援助

If it were not for his assistance, we could not carry out the project.
I am deeply indebted to my friends for all their help.
I need somebody to help me.
She turned down our offer of help.
He appealed to us for help.

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