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Definition and Synonyms for 苦労
1. | 苦労 | 目標に達するための懸命な試み |
Striving | an effortful attempt to attain a goal | |
Synonyms: | 労苦, 苦労, ご苦労, 骨折り, 骨折る | |
2. | 苦労 | 身体的あるいは精神的なエネルギーの使用 |
Effort | use of physical or mental energy | |
Synonyms: | 努力, 労, 労力, 労苦, 尽力, 苦労, 骨折, 骨折り, 骨折る | |
3. | 四苦八苦 | 激しい努力 |
Struggle | strenuous effort | |
Synonyms: | あがき, あがく, 四苦八苦, 奮闘, 苦労 | |
4. | 取りくむ | 懸命であるか非常な努力をする |
Fight | make a strenuous or labored effort | |
Synonyms: | 取り組む, 奮闘, 戦う, 格闘, 苦労, 辛労 | |
5. | 拘う | わざわざ何かをする |
Trouble Oneself | take the trouble to do something | |
Synonyms: | かかずらう, 労する, 患う, 悩ます, 煩わす, 煩わせる, 苦労, 苦心, 騒ぐ, 騒がす, 騒がせる | |
6. | 苦労 | 猛勉強 |
Effort | hard work | |
Synonyms: | 努力, 労, 労力, 労苦, 尽力, 苦労, 骨折, 骨折り, 骨折る | |
7. | 拘う | 自らを心配する |
Trouble Oneself | concern oneself | |
Synonyms: | かかずらう, 労する, 患う, 悩ます, 煩わす, 煩わせる, 苦労, 苦心, 騒ぐ, 騒がす, 騒がせる |
Meanings for each kanji in 苦労
» | 苦 | suffering; trial; worry; hardship; feel bitter; scowl |
» | 労 | labor; thank for; reward for; toil; trouble |
Categories 苦労 is a member of
1. | 労働 | 生産的な仕事(特に賃金を得るためにする肉体的な仕事) |
Toil | productive work (especially physical work done for wages) | |
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2. | 苦労 | 身体的あるいは精神的なエネルギーの使用 |
Effort | use of physical or mental energy | |
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3. | 試み | 何かをしよう、または達成しようとするまじめで良心的な行動 |
Effort | earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something | |
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4. | 凝らす | 多くの努力またはエネルギーを使う |
Strive | to exert much effort or energy | |
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5. | トライ | 努力する、または試みる |
Seek | make an effort or attempt | |
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Sample Sentences for 苦労
I think you'll have very little difficulty in getting a driver's license.
At first he had difficulty telling one student from another.
I had trouble making him hear me calling for help.
I had great difficulty in finding my ticket at the station.
She didn't have much difficulty finding out the answer to the problem.
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