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Definition and Synonyms for 検討
1. | 鑑定 | 本質的な特徴か意味を発見するために、詳細に検討し分析する |
Analyse | consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning | |
Synonyms: | 分析, 吟味, 尋問, 攻究, 査問, 査閲, 検する, 検分, 検査, 検案, 検討, 点検, 研修, 研学, 研磨, 研究, 考察, 考査, 考究, 解析, 討究, 調査, 鑑定 | |
2. | 有償 | 思いやりのある、思慮深い行為 |
Thoughtfulness | a considerate and thoughtful act | |
Synonyms: | 一考, 商量, 思いやり, 思いやる, 思案, 手心, 振り合い, 振り合う, 斟酌, 有償, 検討, 省察, 考察, 考慮, 顧慮 | |
3. | 吟味 | 観察、確かめる、入念に調べるまたは検査する |
Examine | observe, check out, and look over carefully or inspect | |
Synonyms: | みる, みる, チェック, 吟味, 審査, 査閲, 検する, 検分, 検査, 検討, 点検, 眺める, 調べる, 閲する | |
4. | 考える | よく考える、慎重審議する |
Study | give careful consideration to | |
Synonyms: | 了見, 思惟, 思慮, 思料, 思案, 思索, 思考, 思い見る, 思議, 慮る, 案じる, 案ずる, 検討, 考える, 考慮 | |
5. | 慮 | あることを注意深く考える過程 |
Consideration | the process of giving careful thought to something | |
Synonyms: | 思慮, 思案, 慮り, 慮る, 検討, 熟思, 熟考, 考察, 考慮 | |
6. | 検討 | 良心の検討(イエズス会士が毎日行う) |
Examination | a detailed inspection of your conscience (as done daily by Jesuits) | |
Synonyms: | 検討 | |
7. | 詮索 | よく知らない、疑問が残る活動について調査すること |
Investigation | an inquiry into unfamiliar or questionable activities | |
Synonyms: | リサーチ, 勘査, 勘検, 取り調べ, 取り調べる, 吟味, 審査, 捜査, 捜索, 探り, 探る, 探索, 査問, 査定, 査察, 検分, 検察, 検討, 究明, 考査, 考証, 詮索, 調, 調べ, 調べる, 調査, 踏査, 追及, 追求, 追究 | |
8. | 修業 | 演奏者のあるテクニックを伸ばすための練習曲 |
Study | a composition intended to develop one aspect of the performer's technique | |
Synonyms: | 修業, 修行, 勉強, 学問, 学習, 書院, 検討, 研学, 研究, 稽古, 練習曲, 習作, 調査 | |
9. | 熟思 | テーマの議論(会議でのように) |
Consideration | a discussion of a topic (as in a meeting) | |
Synonyms: | 検討, 熟思, 省察, 考察, 考慮, 考査, 考究, 論考, 顧慮 |
Meanings for each kanji in 検討
» | 検 | examination; investigate |
» | 討 | chastise; attack; defeat; destroy; conquer |
Categories 検討 is a member of
1. | 親切 | 親切な行為 |
Kindness | a kind act | |
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2. | 思い見る | 主題に関して深く考える |
Think Over | reflect deeply on a subject | |
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3. | 思惟作用 | 慎重に何かを考慮するというあなたの頭を使う過程 |
Intellection | the process of using your mind to consider something carefully | |
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4. | 内観 | 自分自身の考えや欲望や行動について熟考すること |
Self-Examination | the contemplation of your own thoughts and desires and conduct | |
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5. | 調査 | 知識を得るための調査 |
Research | a search for knowledge | |
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6. | コンポジッション | 創作された音楽的作品 |
Piece Of Music | a musical work that has been created | |
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7. | 話し合い | ある議題を巡っての広範にわたる(しばしば相互的な)コミュニケーション |
Discussion | an extended communication (often interactive) dealing with some particular topic | |
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Sample Sentences for 検討
Having considered your proposal, we have decided that we are unable to lower the price.
In this paper I would like to examine the notion of "dyad style" and its influence on fine arts.
In order to avoid misunderstandings, they went through the contract again.
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