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Definition and Synonyms for 限る
1. | 限度 | 何かが広がる点または程度 |
Extent | the point or degree to which something extends | |
Synonyms: | きり, ほど, 度合い, 程度, 限り, 限る, 限度 | |
2. | 制約 | (範囲またはアクセスの)限度を設置する |
Throttle | place limits on (extent or access) | |
Synonyms: | セーブ, 制約, 抑える, 抑制, 押さえる, 限る, 限定 | |
3. | 制限 | 制限、または限定する |
Circumscribe | restrict or confine, | |
Synonyms: | 制限, 抑える, 限る, 限定 | |
4. | 減軽 | 制限を設ける |
Curb | place restrictions on | |
Synonyms: | はつる, 制限, 削る, 削減, 押さえる, 縮減, 限る, 限定 | |
5. | 制限 | より具体的にする |
Restrict | make more specific | |
Synonyms: | 制限, 節する, 限る, 限定 | |
6. | 制約 | 制限の下に置く |
Restrict | place under restrictions | |
Synonyms: | 制約, 制限, 限る, 限定 | |
7. | 限度 | ある物が広がる距離、範囲、または量 |
Extent | the distance or area or volume over which something extends | |
Synonyms: | きり, ほど, 域, 度合い, 程度, 範囲, 限り, 限る, 限度, 限界, 領域 | |
8. | 辺際 | 何かの可能な最大の程度 |
Bound | the greatest possible degree of something | |
Synonyms: | きり, リミット, 局限, 極限, 限り, 限る, 限度, 限界, 際涯, 際限 | |
9. | 分界 | ある区域の境界 |
Demarcation Line | the boundary of a specific area | |
Synonyms: | きり, リミット, 分界, 区分, 区分け, 区割り, 境界, 境界, 境界線, 境目, 方図, 限り, 限る, 限界 | |
10. | リミット | あるものが行き着く所 |
Limit | as far as something can go | |
Synonyms: | きり, リミット, 極点, 極限, 限り, 限る, 限界 | |
11. | 限度 | 何かが可能なもしくは認められる最大量 |
Limit | the greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed | |
Synonyms: | きり, ぎめ, リミット, 極める, 決め, 決める, 限り, 限る, 限度, 限界 | |
12. | 制約 | アクセスを制限する |
Restrict | limit access to | |
Synonyms: | 制約, 制限, 限る, 限定 |
Meanings for each kanji in 限る
» | 限 | limit; restrict; to best of ability |
Categories 限る is a member of
1. | 制限 | 制限、または限定する |
Circumscribe | restrict or confine, | |
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2. | 減じる | 小さくする |
Minify | make smaller | |
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3. | 押さえる | 強度を減じる |
Curb | lessen the intensity of | |
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4. | 規模 | 相対的な大きさまたは範囲の(大きいか小さいにせよ)特性 |
Magnitude | the property of relative size or extent (whether large or small) | |
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5. | 限度 | ある物が広がる距離、範囲、または量 |
Extent | the distance or area or volume over which something extends | |
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6. | バウンダリ | ものの限界または範囲を示す線あるいは面 |
Bound | the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something | |
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7. | 末端 | 最も外側のまたは最も遠い領域またはポイント |
Extremity | the outermost or farthest region or point | |
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8. | 不定量 | 推定数量 |
Indefinite Quantity | an estimated quantity | |
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9. | 程度 | 連続、系列、特に進歩過程における特定の位置 |
Point | a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process | |
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10. | 厳しさ、辛辣さ、または極端さを弱める | |
Modify | make less severe or harsh or extreme | |
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Conjugations for 限る
Plain Form
Polite Form
Tai Form
Imperative Plain Form
Imperative Polite Form
Provisional Form
Conditional Form
Alternative Form
Potential Plain Form
Potential Polite Form
Passive Plain Form
Passive Polite Form
Causative Plain Form
Causative Polite Form
Causative Passive Plain Form
Causative Passive Polite Form
Colloquial Form
Formal Form
Classical Form (nu)
Classical Form (zaru)
Sample Sentences for 限る
Even if you have your own way, you will not always be successful.
It's only when I can't sleep at night that the ticking of the clock becomes loud enough to bother me.
Things that you see with your eyes are not necessarily true.
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