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Entry Details for 支配

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noun, suru verb

English Meaning(s) for 支配

noun, suru verb
  1. domination; rule; control
  2. direction; management; guidance
  3. control (e.g. over one's emotions); determining (e.g. one's fate); governing; influence; holding sway over

Definition and Synonyms for 支配

Rule dominance or power through legal authority
Synonyms: 支配, 支配権
Governance the act of governing
Synonyms: 支配, 統治
Subordination the act of mastering or subordinating someone
Synonyms: 支配
Keep In Line control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage
Synonyms: コントロール, 切り回す, 制する, 収拾, 取り締まる, 抑える, 操る, 支配, 束ねる, 牛耳る, 統べる
Govern direct or strongly influence the behavior of
Synonyms: 制す, 制する, 司る, 支配, 統べる
Master have dominance or the power to defeat over
Synonyms: 制す, 支配, 熟達
Control the economic policy of controlling or limiting or curbing prices or wages etc.
Synonyms: とかく, コントロール, 制圧, 制球, 制球力, 司令, 左右, 掣肘, 操縦, 支配, 束ね, 束ねる, 管制, 管理, 統制, 統括, 総覧, 調節
Control a relation of constraint of one entity (thing or person or group) by another
Synonyms: コントロール, 制圧, 制御, 制止, 取り締まり, 取り締まる, 手綱, 抑え, 抑制, 抑止, 押さえる, 拘束, 掣肘, 操作, 操縦, 支配, 治世, 監督, 管制, 管理, 管轄, 統制, 統御, 統括, 総監, 総締め, 総轄, 総領, 総領, 規制
Govern exercise authority over
Synonyms: 制す, 制する, 制覇, 司る, 君臨, 御する, 所轄, 支配, 束ねる, 治する, 治める, 照臨, 知ろしめす, 管する, 統べる, 統御, 統治, 統領, 総督, 舵取り
Dominate be in control
Synonyms: 制す, 制する, 圧する, 抑える, 支配, 治める, 牛耳る, 統べる
Predomination the quality of being more noticeable than anything else
Synonyms: 優勢, 支配
Rule any one of a systematic body of regulations defining the way of life of members of a religious order
Synonyms: 支配
Govern as of nations
Synonyms: 制す, 制する, 制覇, 司る, 君臨, 御する, 所轄, 支配, 束ねる, 治する, 治める, 照臨, 知ろしめす, 管する, 統べる, 統御, 統治, 統領, 総督, 舵取り
Governance exercising authority
Synonyms: 支配, 統治

Meanings for each kanji in 支配

» branch; support; sustain; branch radical (no. 65)
» distribute; spouse; exile; rationing

Categories 支配 is a member of

Relation an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together
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Social Control control exerted (actively or passively) by group action
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Domination social control by dominating
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Interact act together or towards others or with others
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Control exercise authoritative control or power over
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Act Upon have and exert influence or effect
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Economic Policy a government policy for maintaining economic growth and tax revenues
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Instruction a message describing how something is to be done
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Ascendance the state that exists when one person or group has power over another
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Noticeableness the property of being easy to see and understand
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 支配

Sample Sentences for 支配

Great Britain is no longer in control of world politics.
It appears that I don't have it in me to have a harem in my charge.
My wife is subject to moods.
Silence reigned in the forest.
They regarded him as their leader.

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