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Definition and Synonyms for 耳
1. | 耳 | 東洋の絨毯の両端の装飾的な房 |
Selvage | border consisting of an ornamental fringe at either end of an oriental carpet | |
Synonyms: | 耳 | |
2. | 耳 | 聴覚と平衡感覚のための感覚器官 |
Ear | the sense organ for hearing and equilibrium | |
Synonyms: | 耳, 耳たぶ | |
3. | 耳 | 外部から見える耳の一部 |
External Ear | the part of the ear visible externally | |
Synonyms: | 外耳, 耳 | |
4. | 耳 | よく聞こえること |
Ear | good hearing | |
Synonyms: | 耳 |
Meanings for each kanji in 耳
» | 耳 | ear |
Categories 耳 is a member of
1. | 縁 | 何かの外縁を形作る細片 |
Border | a strip forming the outer edge of something | |
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2. | 感官 | 刺激に反応する神経終末(皮膚、内臓、目、耳、鼻または口の)を持っている器官 |
Sensory Receptor | an organ having nerve endings (in the skin or viscera or eye or ear or nose or mouth) that respond to stimulation | |
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3. | 聴力 | 聞く能力 |
Auditory Modality | the ability to hear | |
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4. | 身体の表面上あるいは表面近くに位置する器官 | |
External Organ | an organ that is situated on or near the surface of the body | |
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Sample Sentences for 耳
When she saw Ozawa's face, she became red up to the base of her ears.
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