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Definition and Synonyms for くしゃみ
1. |
くしゃみ |
鼻から空気が不随意に排出される症状 |
Sneezing |
a symptom consisting of the involuntary expulsion of air from the nose |
Synonyms: |
くしゃみ |
Categories くしゃみ is a member of
1. |
反射作用 |
無意識的な反応 |
Reflex Response |
an automatic instinctive unlearned reaction to a stimulus |
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2. |
症候 |
患者により経験され、特定の疾患に関連する身体の機能における感覚または変化 |
Symptom |
any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease |
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Sample Sentences for くしゃみ
I think I'm gonna sneeze. Give me a tissue.
Cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze, or yawn.
I sneeze a lot.
We were watching the bird eat the crumbs; then I sneezed, and he was gone in a flash.
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