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Entry Details for 想定

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noun, suru verb

English Meaning(s) for 想定

noun, suru verb
  1. hypothesis; supposition; assumption

Definition and Synonyms for 想定

Surmisal a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence
Synonyms: 予断, 予測, 仮定, 仮想, 仮説, 察し, 察す, 察する, 当てずっぽう, 当て推量, 心当て, 忖度, 恐察, 想像, 想定, 想察, 憶断, 憶測, 憶説, 推定, 推察, 推測, 推知, 推考, 推論, 推量, 揣摩臆測, 目算, 臆度, 見当
Presume take to be the case or to be true
Synonyms: みる, にらむ, みなす, 仮定, 仮想, 仮設, 存じ上げる, 思う, 想定, 推す, 推定, 推測, 推算, 推し量る, 決め込む, 考える, 計る
Suppose expect, believe, or suppose
Synonyms: にらむ, 思う, 想像, 想定, 想察, 推測, 推知, 推量, 推し量る, 積もる, 端倪
Hypothesise to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds
Synonyms: みなす, 予測, 仮定, 仮想, 仮設, 忖度, 思う, 恐察, 想像, 想定, 想察, 憶断, 憶測, 推す, 推定, 推察, 推測, 推知, 推論, 推量, 推し量る, 措定, 決め込む, 臆度, 賢察, 類推
Suppose express a supposition
Synonyms: みなす, 仮定, 仮想, 想定
Supposal the cognitive process of supposing
Synonyms: 仮定, 仮想, 仮説, 想定, 推定
Presumption an assumption that is taken for granted
Synonyms: 仮定, 仮設, 仮説, 前提, 前提条件, 想定
Presume accept without verification or proof
Synonyms: みる, にらむ, みなす, 仮定, 仮想, 仮設, 存じ上げる, 思う, 想定, 推す, 推定, 推測, 推算, 推し量る, 決め込む, 考える, 計る

Meanings for each kanji in 想定

» concept; think; idea; thought
» determine; fix; establish; decide

Categories 想定 is a member of

Anticipate regard something as probable or likely
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Speculate talk over conjecturally, or review in an idle or casual way and with an element of doubt or without sufficient reason to reach a conclusion
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Conjecture reasoning that involves the formation of conclusions from incomplete evidence
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Supposal a hypothesis that is taken for granted
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View a message expressing a belief about something
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 想定

Sample Sentences for 想定

Select the graft point after imagining how the branches will extend and fruit grow.
I never imagined anything like this.
I was never the likeliest candidate for this office.
He assumed that the man was hiding something from him.
And so, knowledge from the past, mixed up with assumptions about that knowledge, which may be more or less appropriate, is used to augment information provided by the senses.

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