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Definition and Synonyms for 預金
1. | 敷金 | 預ける行為 |
Deposit | the act of putting something somewhere | |
Synonyms: | デポジット, 仮納, 仮納金, 保証金, 入金, 敷金, 預託, 預金 | |
2. | 入金 | 銀行口座に入れる |
Bank | put into a bank account | |
Synonyms: | 供託, 入金, 預ける, 預け入れる, 預託, 預金 | |
3. | 入金 | 堆積物や砂礫が蓄積する現象 |
Deposit | the phenomenon of sediment or gravel accumulating | |
Synonyms: | デポジット, 仮納, 仮納金, 保証金, 入金, 堆積物, 預金 | |
4. | 積金 | 予備として取っておく資金 |
Nest Egg | a fund of money put by as a reserve | |
Synonyms: | へそくり, 積み金, 蓄え, 蓄える, 貯蓄, 貯金, 預金 | |
5. | 銀行預金 | 銀行または同様の機関に預金される金 |
Deposit | money deposited in a bank or some similar institution | |
Synonyms: | 銀行預金, 預金 |
Categories 預金 is a member of
1. | 増加 | 蓄積を増加させる行為 |
Buildup | the act of building up an accumulation | |
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2. | 賦する | 具体的な何かの移動所有または誰かへの要約 |
Give | transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody | |
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3. | 地質現象 | 地球の構造や構成に関する自然現象 |
Geological Phenomenon | a natural phenomenon involving the structure or composition of the earth | |
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4. | 基金 | 何かの目的のために取っておかれる資金 |
Fund | a reserve of money set aside for some purpose | |
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Sample Sentences for 預金
I put the money in a three-year time deposit at the bank.
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