Romaji Hide
Definition and Synonyms for 蜜
1. |
蜜 |
ミツバチの作る甘い黄色い液体 |
Honey |
a sweet yellow liquid produced by bees |
Synonyms: |
ハニー, はちみつ, 蜜 |
2. |
蜜 |
受粉媒介者を引き付ける甘い液体状の分泌物 |
Nectar |
a sweet liquid secretion that is attractive to pollinators |
Synonyms: |
花蜜, 蜜 |
Meanings for each kanji in 蜜
» |
蜜 |
honey; nectar; molasses |
Categories 蜜 is a member of
1. |
分泌液 |
腺または細胞から放出される機能的に分化した物質(特に廃棄物ではないもの) |
Secretion |
a functionally specialized substance (especially one that is not a waste) released from a gland or cell |
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2. |
甘味料 |
食物の味を甘くするために加えるもの |
Sweetener |
something added to foods to make them taste sweeter |
Show all words in category » |
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Haha i was in japan recently looking for honey. And my phone had died so i kept telling them like ハニ—/ホ二—がありますか? and they didnt get it (obviously). Then i made the zzzz sound and said さとう見たい. Then they brought me to the sugar stand, where no honey was to be found. So i told them it wasnt there and they were so apologetic haha. Then later before walking out the store i saw honey between the bread aisle and it read はちみつ (weird place to have the honey but ok) and the same worker was there. So i held it up sheepisly and said 蜂蜜はハニーですかね~