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Stroke Order Diagram for エイ

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English Meaning(s) for エイ

  1. ray (any fish of superorder Batoidea)

Definition and Synonyms for エイ

Ray cartilaginous fishes having horizontally flattened bodies and enlarged winglike pectoral fins with gills on the underside
Synonyms: えい
Ray a straight line extending from a point
Synonyms: えい, 光線, 半直線
Ray most swim by moving the pectoral fins
Synonyms: えい

Categories エイ is a member of

Selachian any of numerous fishes of the class Chondrichthyes characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton and placoid scales: sharks
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Vector a straight line segment whose length is magnitude and whose orientation in space is direction
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Stroke Order Diagrams for エイ

Sample Sentences for エイ

The number of people joining the meeting is six.
She had not been employed two months when her ability was recognized.
This fairy tale is easy enough for a seven-year-old child to read.
It is two years since I came here.
I'm 18 years old.

Comments for エイ

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