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Definition and Synonyms for お座敷
1. |
客座敷 |
客を受け入れ楽しませる正式な部屋 |
Withdrawing Room |
a formal room where visitors can be received and entertained |
Synonyms: |
客室, 座敷, お座敷, 応接室, 応接間, 表座敷 |
2. |
室 |
壁、床、天井に囲まれている建物内の区域 |
Room |
an area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling |
Synonyms: |
ルーム, 室, 室, 座敷, お座敷, 房室, 狭間, 部屋, お部屋, 間, 間, 間, 間 |
Meanings for each kanji in お座敷
» |
座 |
squat; seat; cushion; gathering; sit |
» |
敷 |
spread; pave; sit; promulgate |
Categories お座敷 is a member of
1. |
区劃 |
ある特定の特徴・機能を持つ構造の一部 |
Area |
a part of a structure having some specific characteristic or function |
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2. |
レセプションルーム |
(個人宅やホテルでのように)訪問客を受入れ楽しませる部屋 |
Reception Room |
a room for receiving and entertaining visitors (as in a private house or hotel) |
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