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Definition and Synonyms for 権利
1. | 特恵 | みんなが享受できない、特別な有利さ、特典、利益 |
Privilege | a special advantage or immunity or benefit not enjoyed by all | |
Synonyms: | 権利, 特典, 特恵, 特権 | |
2. | 権能 | 法律、慣習あるいは自然による人または政府機関のための抽象的観念 |
Right | an abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature | |
Synonyms: | 権, 権利, 権能 | |
3. | 権利 | 法律に基づく権利 |
Legal Right | a right based in law | |
Synonyms: | 権利 | |
4. | 資格 | 確立されたまたは認められた権利 |
Title | an established or recognized right | |
Synonyms: | 債権, 所有権, 権利, 資格 | |
5. | 権利 | 無形のものにおいて法と慣習によって所有される利益 |
Right | the interest possessed by law or custom in some intangible thing | |
Synonyms: | 権利 |
Categories 権利 is a member of
1. | アドヴァンテージ | より優った、あるいはより好ましい位置を保つという特質 |
Vantage | the quality of having a superior or more favorable position | |
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2. | 権能 | 法律、慣習あるいは自然による人または政府機関のための抽象的観念 |
Right | an abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature | |
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3. | 権利 | 法律に基づく権利 |
Legal Right | a right based in law | |
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4. | 観念 | ある特定の例に関係のない考えまたは概念 |
Abstract | a concept or idea not associated with any specific instance | |
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5. | 利権 | 何かの権利またはそれの法的共有権 |
Interest | a right or legal share of something | |
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Sample Sentences for 権利
Each employee is entitled to a two week paid vacation per year.
The victims are entitled to compensation for their injuries.
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