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Definition and Synonyms for 示唆
1. | 手蔓 | 問題を解く助けになる証拠 |
Clew | evidence that helps to solve a problem | |
Synonyms: | きー, キー, ヒント, きっかけ, 傍証, 小口, 手がかり, 手掛け, 手蔓, 示唆, 端緒, 糸口, 緒, 緒, 足がかり, 鍵, 鍵, 食いつき, 食いつく | |
2. | 思い付き | 提案として明確に述べられた説得 |
Suggestion | persuasion formulated as a suggestion | |
Synonyms: | サゼッション, サジェスチョン, 入れ知恵, 助言, 思いつき, 思いつく, 提案, 暗示, 示唆 | |
3. | 暗示 | 可能性として暗示する |
Intimate | imply as a possibility | |
Synonyms: | サジェスト, 暗示, 示唆 | |
4. | 匂わす | ヒントを与える |
Suggest | drop a hint | |
Synonyms: | かすめる, ほのめかす, サジェスト, 匂う, 匂わす, 匂わせる, 暗示, 示唆 | |
5. | 手蔓 | わずかな暗示 |
Hint | a slight indication | |
Synonyms: | きー, キー, ヒント, ほのめかし, ほのめかす, 手がかり, 手掛け, 手蔓, 暗示, 示唆, 端緒, 糸口, 緒, 緒, 鍵, 鍵 | |
6. | 暗示 | 間接暗示 |
Intimation | an indirect suggestion | |
Synonyms: | ヒント, ほのめかし, ほのめかす, サゼッション, サジェスチョン, 暗示, 示唆, 諷喩, 黙示 | |
7. | 匂わす | 暗示的に親密な |
Suggest | intimate by a hint | |
Synonyms: | かすめる, ほのめかす, サジェスト, 匂う, 匂わす, 匂わせる, 暗示, 示唆 |
Meanings for each kanji in 示唆
» | 示 | show; indicate; point out; express; display |
» | 唆 | tempt; seduce; instigate; promote |
Categories 示唆 is a member of
1. | 伝達 | 知らせる |
Convey | make known | |
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2. | 含意 | 論理的に必要な結果として提案する |
Imply | suggest as a logically necessary consequence | |
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3. | 裏付 | 何かを明らかにするもの |
Evidence | an indication that makes something evident | |
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4. | しるし | 何かを示すまたは暗示するのに役立つもの |
Indication | something that serves to indicate or suggest | |
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5. | 提案 | 承認か拒否のために出された提案 |
Proffer | a proposal offered for acceptance or rejection | |
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6. | 勧説 | 説得する(あるいは説得しようとする)行為 |
Persuasion | the act of persuading (or attempting to persuade) | |
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Sample Sentences for 示唆
"Act now!" he said, and in addition to his obvious meaning, he hinted that there were number of other important reasons why immediate action was needed.
The number of errors of fact in Arendt's book are considerably fewer than Abel implies.
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