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Definition and Synonyms for 借りる
1. | 拝借 | 貸手から資金を得ること |
Borrowing | obtaining funds from a lender | |
Synonyms: | 借り, 借る, 借りる, 借入, 借用, 拝借 | |
2. | 借切る | 契約条件によりサービスを請け負う |
Charter | engage for service under a term of contract | |
Synonyms: | リース, リース, チャーター, 借る, 借りる, 借り上げる, 借り入れる, 借り切る, 借り受ける, 取る, 用船, 賃借, 賃借り, 雇う | |
3. | 拝借 | 一時的に得る |
Borrow | get temporarily | |
Synonyms: | 借る, 借りる, 借り上げる, 借り入れる, 借り出す, 借り受ける, 拝借 | |
4. | 借切る | リース、あるいは賃貸契約で保持する |
Charter | hold under a lease or rental agreement | |
Synonyms: | リース, リース, チャーター, 借る, 借りる, 借り上げる, 借り入れる, 借り切る, 借り受ける, 用船, 賃借, 賃借り | |
5. | 借り入れ | ある人から別の人に借りられたお金、商品、またはサービス |
Debt | money or goods or services owed by one person to another | |
Synonyms: | 借り, 借る, 借りる, 借入, 借り入れ, 借り入れる, 借入金, 借款, 借財, 借金, 借銭, 債務, 負債, 負い目, 買掛金, 金銭債務 | |
6. | 借り入れ | 何か(特に金銭)を借りている状態 |
Debt | the state of owing something (especially money) | |
Synonyms: | 借り, 借る, 借りる, 借入, 借り入れ, 借り入れる, 借財, 借金, 負債 | |
7. | 拝借 | 他の言語から借用された単語 |
Loanword | a word borrowed from another language | |
Synonyms: | 借り, 借る, 借りる, 借用, 借用語, 借財, 借貸, 借り貸し, 借金, 前借, 拝借, 貸出, 貸し出す | |
8. | 借切る | 商品とサービスの |
Charter | of goods and services | |
Synonyms: | リース, リース, チャーター, 借る, 借りる, 借り上げる, 借り入れる, 借り切る, 借り受ける, 用船, 賃借, 賃借り | |
9. | 拝借 | 例えば`blitz'は近代英語に借用されたドイツ語の単語である |
Loanword | e.g. `blitz' is a German word borrowed into modern English | |
Synonyms: | 借り, 借る, 借りる, 借用, 借用語, 借財, 借貸, 借り貸し, 借金, 前借, 拝借, 貸出, 貸し出す |
Meanings for each kanji in 借りる
» | 借 | borrow; rent |
Categories 借りる is a member of
1. | 取りむすぶ | 契約上の調整に入る |
Contract | enter into a contractual arrangement | |
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2. | 取引き | (商業活動を営むときなどに)グループ内、もしくはグループ間で取引する行為 |
Transaction | the act of transacting within or between groups (as carrying on commercial activities) | |
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3. | 得る | 具体的、あるいは抽象的な何かの物になる |
Acquire | come into the possession of something concrete or abstract | |
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4. | 単語 | ネイティブスピーカーが同定できる言語の単位 |
Word | a unit of language that native speakers can identify | |
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5. | 負債 | 別の当事者にお金を払う義務 |
Financial Obligation | an obligation to pay money to another party | |
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6. | 他人に負っている何か | |
Liabilities | anything that is owed to someone else | |
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Conjugations for 借りる
Plain Form
Polite Form
Tai Form
Imperative Plain Form
Imperative Polite Form
Provisional Form
Conditional Form
Alternative Form
Potential Plain Form
Potential Polite Form
Colloquial Potential Plain Form
Colloquial Potential Polite Form
Passive Plain Form
Passive Polite Form
Causative Plain Form
Causative Polite Form
Causative Passive Plain Form
Causative Passive Polite Form
Colloquial Form
Formal Form
Classical Form (nu)
Classical Form (zaru)
Sample Sentences for 借りる
He went not to help his father but to borrow money from him.
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