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Definition and Synonyms for 操作
1. | 取回 | 手(または手の上手な使用)で、または、機械式手段を用いてさわることの動作 |
Manipulation | the action of touching with the hands (or the skillful use of the hands) or by the use of mechanical means | |
Synonyms: | さばき, さばく, ハンドリング, 八, 取り回し, 取り回す, 取り扱い, 取り扱う, 手さばき, 扱い, 扱う, 操作, 操縦 | |
2. | 操作 | 操作に関して |
Operationally | in respect to operation | |
Synonyms: | 操作 | |
3. | 取回 | 何かを用いた手動の(または機械的な)運搬、移動、配送、または労働 |
Handling | manual (or mechanical) carrying or moving or delivering or working with something | |
Synonyms: | 取り回し, 取り回す, 取り扱い, 取り扱う, 手さばき, 扱い, 扱う, 操り, 操る, 操作 | |
4. | 作用 | 数学的手段による計算 |
Mathematical Process | calculation by mathematical methods | |
Synonyms: | オペ, オペレーション, 作業, 作用, 働き, 働く, 操作, 操業, 操車, 演算, 運営, 運算, 運転 | |
5. | コントロール | 手で触って機能させる |
Control | handle and cause to function | |
Synonyms: | コントロール, 動かす, 操る, 操作, 操縦 | |
6. | 操作 | バイオリンを弾く |
Fiddle | play on a violin | |
Synonyms: | 操作 | |
7. | 操作 | バイオリンまたはフィドルを演奏する |
Fiddle | play the violin or fiddle | |
Synonyms: | 操作 | |
8. | 操作 | 詐欺を働き、雇用主から盗む |
Fiddle | commit fraud and steal from one's employer | |
Synonyms: | 操作 | |
9. | 操作 | 詐欺的な方法で操作する |
Manipulate | manipulate in a fraudulent manner | |
Synonyms: | 操る, 操作 | |
10. | 踊らせる | 狡猾に、または正道をはずれて影響を及ぼすあるいは支配する |
Manipulate | influence or control shrewdly or deviously | |
Synonyms: | 操る, 操作, 操縦, 踊る, 踊らす, 踊らせる | |
11. | 曲筆 | 詐欺目的で改ざんする |
Misrepresent | tamper, with the purpose of deception | |
Synonyms: | ひずむ, でっち上げる, 偽造, 操作, 改ざん, 曲げる, 曲筆, 歪む, 歪める, 細工 | |
12. | 規制 | 1つの存在(物、人または集合体)が別の存在に制約される関係 |
Control | a relation of constraint of one entity (thing or person or group) by another | |
Synonyms: | コントロール, 制圧, 制御, 制止, 取り締まり, 取り締まる, 手綱, 抑え, 抑制, 抑止, 押さえる, 拘束, 掣肘, 操作, 操縦, 支配, 治世, 監督, 管制, 管理, 管轄, 統制, 統御, 統括, 総監, 総締め, 総轄, 総領, 総領, 規制 |
Meanings for each kanji in 操作
» | 操 | maneuver; manipulate; operate; steer; chastity; virginity; fidelity |
» | 作 | make; production; prepare; build |
Categories 操作 is a member of
1. | 結付き | 2つの実体あるいは部分にともに属する、あるいは固有な抽象的実体 |
Relation | an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together | |
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2. | タッチ | 2つの間に空間を置かずに一緒にそれらを置く行為 |
Touching | the act of putting two things together with no space between them | |
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3. | 勘定 | 計算の手順 |
Computing | the procedure of calculating | |
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4. | 取り扱う | 手に持って動かす |
Manipulate | hold something in one's hands and move it | |
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5. | 奏する | リプレイ(メロディーとして) |
Spiel | replay (as a melody) | |
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6. | 弾奏 | (楽器の)で音楽を演奏する |
Play | perform music on (a musical instrument) | |
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7. | 横領 | 不正に自分のためにあてる(その人間に任された資産などを) |
Defalcate | appropriate (as property entrusted to one's care) fraudulently to one's own use | |
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8. | 値打ち | 価格を決定する |
Price | determine the price of | |
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9. | 働掛ける | 影響または効果を与えるまたは持つ |
Act Upon | have and exert influence or effect | |
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10. | ごまかす | うそつきの振舞いに従事する |
Cheat | engage in deceitful behavior | |
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11. | 手で行う労働 | |
Manual Labor | labor done with the hands | |
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Sample Sentences for 操作
Instead, he worked a switch that controlled his computer.
“I’ve only used Sony before so, even if you give me a Toshiba, Panasonic or any other iPhone I can’t use it!” he spouted off.
The operation of a computer keyboard requires less effort than that of a manual typewriter.
My friend from university gave me a Kindle because he said he wasn't using it anymore. It's the DX model with a large screen. It's not easy to use, but the screen is indeed quite nice. It hadn't bothered me until now, but it's become hard for me to read something on a normal LCD screen.
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