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Stroke Order Diagram for あて

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noun, noun, used as a suffix, noun, used as a prefix, suffix

Alternate Written Forms:


English Meaning(s) for あて

  1. aim; object; purpose; end
  2. expectations; prospects; hopes
  3. something that can be relied upon
  4. snack served with alcoholic drink
noun, used as a suffix
  1. pad; guard
noun, used as a suffix, noun, used as a prefix
  1. blow; strike
  1. addressed to
  2. per (also written as 充て)

Definition and Synonyms for あて

Promise grounds for feeling hopeful about the future
Synonyms: あて, 光明, 希望, 当てる, , 望み, 望む, 期待, , 見込み, 見込む
Aim an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions
Synonyms: あて, めど, あてど, 作意, 宛所, 当てる, 意図, 意趣, 狙い, 狙う, 目印, 目当て, 目標, 目的
Expectation anticipating with confidence of fulfillment
Synonyms: あて, 予想, 予期, 予測, , , 当てる, 心づもり, 思い, 思う, 思惑, 思惑, 期待, 目算, 見越し, 見越す, 見込み, 見込む

Categories あて is a member of

Expectation belief about (or mental picture of) the future
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End the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve and that (when achieved) terminates behavior intended to achieve it
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Hopefulness full of hope
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Stroke Order Diagrams for あて

Sample Sentences for あて

My parents rely on my monthly allowance of fifty thousand yen.
You cannot calculate on his punctuality.
You shouldn't rely too heavily on the weather report.
Here is a letter for you.
First, we will present a petition to the mayor and collect signatures.

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