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Stroke Order Diagram for 晩

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noun, adverb, counter

English Meaning(s) for 晩

noun, adverb
  1. evening; night
  1. dinner; evening meal
  1. counter for nights

Definition and Synonyms for 晩

Eve the latter part of the day (the period of decreasing daylight from late afternoon until nightfall)
Synonyms: イブニング, 入相, , , 夕べ, 夕まぐれ, 夕刻, 夕方, 夕景, 夕暮れ, 大禍時, 彼は誰時, 日暮れ, , 晩方, 暮れ方, 暮れ暮れ, 灯点し頃, 薄暮れ, 逢魔が時, 遅い
Dark the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outside
Synonyms: ナイト, , , 夜中, 夜中, 夜中, 夜分, 夜半, 夜間, 小夜, , 暮夜, 遅い
Night the time between sunset and midnight
Synonyms: ナイト, , , 夜分, 夜間, , 遅い
Night the period spent sleeping
Synonyms: ナイト, , , 夜分, 夜間, , 遅い

Meanings for each kanji in 晩

» nightfall; night

Categories 晩 is a member of

Period an amount of time
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Daylight the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 晩

Sample Sentences for 晩

One night a merchant was walking up the slope on his way home.
The boss ordered us to work from morning till night.
Have you eaten supper yet?
Mom applied the plaster to the cut.
I had a good night's rest.

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