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Definition and Synonyms for 例証
1. | 図解 | の例を示すことにより明確にする |
Illustrate | clarify by giving an example of | |
Synonyms: | 例示, 例解, 例証, 例説, 図示, 図解, 図説, 絵解き | |
2. | 図解 | 図で示す |
Illustrate | depict with an illustration | |
Synonyms: | 例示, 例解, 例証, 例説, 図示, 図解, 図説 | |
3. | 例証 | 代表であるか象徴している形またはモデル |
Typification | a representational or typifying form or model | |
Synonyms: | 例証, 類型化 | |
4. | 例説 | 例を挙げて示すこと |
Illustration | showing by example | |
Synonyms: | 例示, 例解, 例証, 例説 |
Meanings for each kanji in 例証
» | 例 | example; custom; usage; precedent |
» | 証 | evidence; proof; certificate |
Categories 例証 is a member of
1. | 肉付ける | 説明または考えにおいて詳細を加える |
Expatiate | add details, as to an account or idea | |
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2. | 描きだす | 絵などに示す |
Show | show in, or as in, a picture | |
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3. | 実演 | 物事の仕組みを視覚的に見せること |
Demo | a visual presentation showing how something works | |
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4. | ある存在が別のものを象徴する、あるいは表彰する基本的な認知過程 | |
Representational Process | any basic cognitive process in which some entity comes to stand for or represent something else | |
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Sample Sentences for 例証
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