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Definition and Synonyms for 愛想
1. | 好感 | 親切心と思いやりのある傾向 |
Goodwill | a disposition to kindness and compassion | |
Synonyms: | おかげ, グッドウィル, 仁徳, 仁心, 仁恕, 厚意, 善意, 好意, 好感, 恩, ご恩, 恩寵, 恩徳, 恩恵, 恩情, 恵み, 恵む, 恵沢, 愛想, 慈悲, 懇情, 温情, 謝礼 | |
2. | 愛想 | 感じがよいという気質上の傾向 |
Agreeableness | a temperamental disposition to be agreeable | |
Synonyms: | 愛想 | |
3. | 愛想 | 親しみがあり、付き合いやすい(話しやすい)性質 |
Affability | a disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk to) | |
Synonyms: | 八面玲瓏, 愛想 | |
4. | 付出し | 商品またはサービスに対して支払いの義務があるお金の明細書 |
Account | an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered | |
Synonyms: | インボイス, インヴォイス, 付け出し, 付け出す, 勘定, 勘定書, 勘定書き, 愛想, お愛想, 書付, 書き付ける, 書き出し, 書き出す, 計算書, 請求書, 送り状 | |
5. | お愛想 | レストランでの請求書 |
Chit | the bill in a restaurant | |
Synonyms: | 伝票, 勘定, 勘定書, 勘定書き, 愛想, お愛想, 計算書 | |
6. | お愛想 | 客または見知らぬ人を歓迎する際の親切 |
Hospitality | kindness in welcoming guests or strangers | |
Synonyms: | ホスピタリティー, 丁重, 優遇, 厚情, 愛想, お愛想, 歓待, 盛んな歓迎 |
Categories 愛想 is a member of
1. | 本質 | その人の普段の機嫌 |
Temperament | your usual mood | |
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2. | 良性 | 快活で親切な性質 |
Good Nature | a cheerful, obliging disposition | |
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3. | 決算報告 | 貸方と借方を示す文書 |
Statement | a document showing credits and debits | |
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4. | 付出し | 商品またはサービスに対して支払いの義務があるお金の明細書 |
Account | an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered | |
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5. | 奉迎 | 挨拶、または歓迎 |
Welcome | a greeting or reception | |
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6. | 親しみのある傾向 | |
Friendliness | a friendly disposition | |
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Sample Sentences for 愛想
"The old lady of this shop is very unsociable but ..." "Taiki, I can hear you!" "Ack!"
The butcher who sold me this beef is always friendly.
If you stay out drinking every night, your wife is going to leave you.
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