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Definition and Synonyms for 交差点
1. | 横断 | 横断すること |
Crossing | traveling across | |
Synonyms: | 交差点, 横断 | |
2. | 十字路 | 1つの通りまたは路が別のものと交差する合流点 |
Crossroad | a junction where one street or road crosses another | |
Synonyms: | 交差点, 十字路, 四つ角, 四辻, 辻 | |
3. | 横断 | 互いを横切る線から成る模様 |
Crisscross | a marking that consists of lines that cross each other | |
Synonyms: | 交差点, 十字架, 十文字, 横断 | |
4. | 交点 | 線が交わる点 |
Point Of Intersection | a point where lines intersect | |
Synonyms: | 交差点, 交点 | |
5. | 交叉点 | 2つ以上の集合に共通する要素の集合 |
Product | the set of elements common to two or more sets | |
Synonyms: | 交わり, 交わる, 交差点, 直積集合, 積 | |
6. | 交差点 | 2本の線(道、弧など)が交差する点 |
Crossing | a point where two lines (paths or arcs etc.) intersect | |
Synonyms: | 交差点 | |
7. | 交叉点 | 2つ以上の幾何学図形に共通の点または集合 |
Intersection | a point or set of points common to two or more geometric configurations | |
Synonyms: | 交差, 交差点 | |
8. | 交差点 | いくつかの線が集まる接続点 |
Node | a connecting point at which several lines come together | |
Synonyms: | ノード, 交差点, 節点 |
Meanings for each kanji in 交差点
» | 交 | mingle; mixing; association; coming & going |
» | 差 | distinction; difference; variation; discrepancy; margin; balance |
» | 点 | spot; point; mark; speck; decimal point |
Categories 交差点 is a member of
1. | 移動 | ある場所から他の場所へ行く行為 |
Traveling | the act of going from one place to another | |
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2. | 接点 | 2つのものが一緒になる所 |
Junction | the place where two or more things come together | |
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3. | 模様 | 模様 |
Marking | a pattern of marks | |
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4. | 点 | 位置はあっても広がりを持たない幾何学的要素 |
Point | a geometric element that has position but no extension | |
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5. | ひとまとまり | 同じ種類のものが一緒になって使用される、もののグループ |
Set | a group of things of the same kind that belong together and are so used | |
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6. | 集合 | 数、シンボルの抽象的な堆積 |
Set | an abstract collection of numbers or symbols | |
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7. | 場所 | 何かの正確な位置 |
Point | the precise location of something | |
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8. | 連鎖 | 接続している形 |
Connexion | a connecting shape | |
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Sample Sentences for 交差点
He failed to see the stop sign at the intersection and hit an oncoming car.
The signal at the intersection didn't increase the number of the traffic accidents in the city.
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