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Learn Japanese with Anime - No One Can Tear Apart The Bond Between Nezuko And Me!

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Learn Japanese with Anime - No One Can Tear Apart The Bond Between Nezuko And Me!

In this video we’re going to analyse Tanjiro's quote from Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba, 鬼滅の刃) (anime scene edited).

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俺 (noun) means “I” or “me” in a manly way.

と (connecting particle) means “and”, used to connect nouns.

禰󠄀豆子 (noun) is the name of his sister.

の (modifying particle) is used to add details to the following noun which is 絆 (noun) meaning “bonds” or “strong connections” between two or more people.

So 俺と禰󠄀豆子の絆 means “the bond between Nezuko and me”.

And は (topic particle) indicates the topic of the sentence.

誰も followed by verb negative form (〜ない/〜ません) means “no one does something”. For example, 誰も知らない meaning “No one knows”, 誰も否定しない meaning “No one denies”.

引き裂けない is the negative form of 引き裂ける which is the potential form of 引き裂く meaning “to tear apart”. So 誰も引き裂けない means “no one can tear apart”.

And the に particle is added for emphasis (NO ONE!). It can be used with verb negative & POTENTIAL form so you can’t say 誰にも知らない or 誰にも否定しない as the verbs are not potential.

Here are some examples,
誰もできない or 誰にもできない meaning “no one can do”
できない is the negative form of できる which is the potential form of する meaning “to do” so the に particle can be added for emphasis.

誰もわからない or 誰にもわからない meaning “no one can understand”
わからない is the negative form of わかる meaning “to understand” which itself has a sense of potentiality so the に particle can be added for emphasis.

Now I’ll also give you some tips about 絆 and 引き裂く.

絆 originally comes from ropes used to tie up animals and 引き裂く is the compound verb made up of 引く meaning “to pull” and 裂く meaning “to tear” or “separate”. So the image of 絆を引き裂く is like pulling apart a rope which connects two or more people.

Here are some examples with 絆:

固い絆 meaning “tight bond“
絆を結ぶ meaning “to tie a bond”
絆を強める meaning “to strengthen a bond”

And here are some examples with 引き裂く:

家族を引き裂く meaning “to tear a family apart”
心を引き裂く meaning “to tear one’s heart out”
手紙を引き裂く meaning “to tear up a letter”


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Tanjiro’s Quote

No one can tear apart the bond between Nezuko and me!

絆 (bonds)

Recently, family ties are weakening.
We are connected with a strong bond.
The bonds between friends were deepened through sports.

引き裂く (to tear apart)

That incident separated the two of them.
Many families were torn apart by the war.
I tore his shirt into pieces and threw it away.

誰にも + Verb Negative Potential Form (No one can do …)

Nobody can break this code.
No one can stop that car!
No one can do what I do.


With Negative Potential Verb, 誰にも and 誰も are usually interchangeable.

However, when the verb takes the に particle as the indirect object marker, they are not interchangeable.

e.g. someone + 話はなす (to tell someone)

I can’t tell anyone.
No one can speak.

Also, when 誰も is used as the direct object of the following verb, you can’t replace it with 誰にも.

e.g. someone + 愛あいす (to love someone)

I can’t love anyone.


No one can love (awkward expression)


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noun, noun, used as a suffix
  1. love
noun, no adjective
  1. code; password
noun, adverb, no adjective
  1. many
  1. I (rough or arrogant)
noun, no adjective
  1. family
  1. bonds (between people); (emotional) ties; relationship
noun, no adjective, adverb
  1. recently
  1. incident
noun, suru verb
  1. work
  1. shirt (outerwear; usu. with collar and buttons)
adverb, na adjective
  1. into shreds
ichidan verb, transitive verb
  1. to throw away
noun, suru verb
  1. war
  1. who (だあれ is emphatic or inquisitive)
godan verb, intransitive verb
  1. to be connected to
ichidan verb, intransitive verb
  1. to be able (in a position) to do


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Stroke Count
10 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. I, myself
Kun'yomi: おれ、われ。
On'yomi: エン。
Stroke Count
11 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. bonds, fetters
Kun'yomi: きずな、ほだ.す、つな.ぐ。
On'yomi: バン、ハン。
Stroke Count
15 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. who, someone, somebody
Kun'yomi: だれ、たれ、た。
On'yomi: ズイ、スイ。
Stroke Count
17 Strokes
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English Meaning
  1. tie, fasten, chain, tether, connect
Kun'yomi: つな.ぐ、かか.る、か.ける。
On'yomi: ケ、ゲ、ケイ。
Stroke Count
2 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. two, two radical (no.2)
Kun'yomi: ふた、ふた.つ、ふたた.び。
On'yomi: ニ、ジ。
Stroke Count
2 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. person
Kun'yomi: ひと、-と、-り。
On'yomi: ニン、ジン。
Stroke Count
7 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. car
Kun'yomi: くるま。
On'yomi: シャ。
Stroke Count
12 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. interval, space
Kun'yomi: あいだ、ま、あい。
On'yomi: ケン、カン。
Stroke Count
13 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. tale, talk
Kun'yomi: はな.す、はなし。
On'yomi: ワ、エ、カ。
Stroke Count
4 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. stop, halt
Kun'yomi: と.まる、と.める、とど.まる、とど.める、や.める、や.む、よ.す、-さ.し、-さ.す、-ど.め、-や.む、-と.める、-ど.まり、とど.め。
On'yomi: シ。
Stroke Count
5 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. attend, doing, official, serve
Kun'yomi: つか.える。
On'yomi: ジ、シ。
Stroke Count
6 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. many, frequent, much
Kun'yomi: おお.い、まさ.に、まさ.る。
On'yomi: タ。
Stroke Count
7 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. private, I, me
Kun'yomi: わたくし、わたし、わたくし.する、わし、ひそ.か。
On'yomi: シ。
Stroke Count
7 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. near, early, akin, tantamount
Kun'yomi: ちか.い、おお、この、おう。
On'yomi: コン、ゴン、キン。
Stroke Count
8 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. matter, thing, fact, business, reason, possibly
Kun'yomi: こと、つか.う、つか.える。
On'yomi: ジ、シ、ズ。
Stroke Count
10 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. house, home, family, professional, expert, performer
Kun'yomi: いえ、や、うち。
On'yomi: ケ、ク、カ、コ。
Stroke Count
11 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. strong
Kun'yomi: つよ.い、つよ.まる、つよ.める、し.いる、こわ.い、すね、したた.か、あなが.ち、しい.て。
On'yomi: ゴウ、キョウ、ガン。
Stroke Count
11 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. tribe, family
Kun'yomi: つぎ、やから。
On'yomi: ゾク、ソク。
Stroke Count
4 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. pull, tug, jerk, admit, install, quote, refer to
Kun'yomi: -び.き、ひ.き、ひ.く、ひ.き-、ひ.ける。
On'yomi: イン。
Stroke Count
5 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. nickname, number, item, title, pseudonym, name, call
Kun'yomi: さけ.ぶ、よびな。
On'yomi: ゴウ、コウ。

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