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Japanese - English Dictionary - Words in Go [及ぶの言葉]

Go [及ぶ]

stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope
Member of:
godan verb, intransitive verb

Alternate Written Forms:


English Meanings:

godan verb, intransitive verb
  1. to arrive at (e.g. a decision); to reach (a stage); to attain
  2. to lead to (a place); to get to
  3. in the extreme case of (as ~に至っては)
  4. to come; to arrive; to result in
suru verb (special class)

English Meanings:

suru verb (special class)
  1. to reach; to get to; to arrive at
godan verb, transitive verb

Alternate Written Forms:


English Meanings:

godan verb, transitive verb
  1. to stick through; to force through
  2. to spread throughout; to thoroughly diffuse
  3. to make a path between two points
  4. to proceed in a logical manner
  5. to let pass; to allow through
  6. to lead (someone) into (a house, room, etc.); to show in
  7. to go through (a middleman)
  8. to (look, listen) through (a window, wall, etc.)
  9. to pass (a law, applicant, etc.)
  10. to force to accept; to force agreement
  11. to continue (in a state); to persist in
  12. to do to the entirety of; to cover all of; to span the whole ...
  13. to do from beginning to end without a break (in the form とおして…する)
  14. to convey (one's ideas, etc.) to the other party
  15. to do to the end; to carry through; to complete (after the -te form of a verb)
noun, suru verb

English Meanings:

noun, suru verb
  1. radiation; emission
kuru verb, intransitive verb, auxiliary verb

Alternate Written Forms:

Outdated Kanji

English Meanings:

kuru verb, intransitive verb
  1. to come (spatially or temporally); to approach; to arrive
kuru verb, intransitive verb, auxiliary verb
  1. to come back; to do ... and come back (after the -te form of a verb)
  2. to come to be; to become; to get; to grow; to continue (after the -te form of a verb)
kuru verb, intransitive verb
  1. to come from; to be caused by; to derive from
  2. to come to (i.e. "when it comes to spinach ...")
pre-noun adjectival, godan verb, intransitive verb

Alternate Written Forms:


English Meanings:

pre-noun adjectival
  1. next (e.g. "next April"); forthcoming; coming
godan verb, intransitive verb
  1. to come; to arrive; to be due to (orig. meaning)

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