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Kanji Details for 日

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Stroke Count
4 Strokes
日 + 0 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. day, sun, Japan, counter for days
Kun'yomi: -か、-び、ひ。
On'yomi: ジツ、ニチ。

Japanese Meaning for 日

Dictionary Entries for 日

  1. day; days
  2. sun; sunshine; sunlight
  3. (the) day; daytime; daylight
  4. date; deadline
  5. (past) days; time (e.g. of one's childhood)
  6. case (esp. unfortunate); event (as 〜した日には, 〜と来た日には, etc.)

  1. Sunday
  1. day (of the month) (also んち or ち)
suffix, counter
  1. counter for days (also んち or ち)
noun, noun, used as a suffix, noun, used as a prefix
  1. Japan

noun, used as a suffix
  1. day of month
  1. counter for days

Stroke Order Diagrams for 日

Construction of Character for 日

Origin and construction of 日

Kanji related to 日

  • 便


Meanings in Other Languages for 日

  1. jour, soleil, Japon, compteur de jours
  1. dia, sol, Japão
  1. día, solar, Japón, sol, rayo de sol

Comments for 日

If you have any questions about this kanji, or would like to write a sample sentence using it, please do so below. Your comment will appear in the forum for other users of the site to view and discuss.

I think it is because NIHON (にほん) is an abbreviation of NIPPON (にっぽん).  The 「にっ」 reading in にっぽん is derived from the onyomi reading にち which you would see in words like 日曜日 (にちようび).

Just be aware though that there is a lot of special readings for certain words where there will be no associated kun'yomi or on'yomi for it.  明日 (あした) is an example of this.

#33 Posted by flint over 6 years ago

in both onyoumi and kunyoumi there is no reading as NI for this kanji, but NIHON (Japan) why it is spelling NI here? 

#32 Posted by oyuntsogt over 6 years ago

Well, of course there are some principals depending on the way the word is made such as if the kanji is combined with hiragana in which case mostly you use Kunyomi or if the word is made from two or more kanji without any hiragana, you use Onyomi. If the kanji is by itself, then most probably Kunyomi would be the reading.

But I generally agree with the point made in the previous post that you must learn it based on experience. Because knowing principals, though necessary, is not exactly going to make you fluent in reading Kanji.

#31 Posted by Quince Blossom over 6 years ago

neko_ wrote yesterday at 8:31 AM

In what situations should I use certain readings in Onyomi and Kunyomi? I mean, in both KUnyomi and Onyomi there are few different readings. When use which? Any examples?

I think thats a vocabulary recognition thing. Once you get use to seeing strings of kanji together, you'll get use to how to say it based off experience with the kanji. Like in english when you see a word like, champion, instead of saying cham-pi-shun, your mind (with practice) will read it naturally as cham-pee-yon.

#30 Posted by Terzorian over 6 years ago

In what situations should I use certain readings in Onyomi and Kunyomi? I mean, in both KUnyomi and Onyomi there are few different readings. When use which? Any examples?

#29 Posted by neko_ over 6 years ago

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