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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["吐き"]

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My behavior put him out of humor.
The bus ride made her feel so sick that she began to vomit.
I can't put up with the way he spits.
I got airsick and felt like throwing up.
He often swears when he is angry.
Tom says he feels like he might throw up.
I feel very sick. I want to throw up.
"Such privileged circumstances huh", saying this like he was spitting, he left via the gate.
〔形容詞「えい(良・善・好)」の転〕「よい」に同じ。主に関西地方で用いる。 「 -男」 「 -もの」

3 境遇。身の上。やや皮肉をこめていう。「まったく気楽な御身分だ」

1 断定の意を表す。…である。…だ。

3 活用語の終止形、助詞に付く。

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