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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["働き"]

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Let's take advantage of the 'exemption' controversy to reconsider the way we work.
How long will you have been working here by the end of next year?
Western clothes are easier to work in than Japanese clothes.
Though she was tired, she kept on working.
Although tired, she kept on working.
She kept working even though she was tired.
She was tired, but she kept working.
She was too tired to go on working.
She went on working.
She kept on working.
She kept working.
She's tired from overwork.
She worked to excess.
Her mother will continue to work.
They went on working for hours.
They carried on working from morning till night.
He began working in earnest.
Tired as he was, he went on working.
He was tired, but he kept working.
He can die from overwork.

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