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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["なれる"]

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A good sailor only requires a short time to get his sea legs.
With a little planning, I think we can take our company to the top.
I thought that we would be good friends from the beginning.
I have a feeling you'll be a very good lawyer.
Teachers should give their children the faith that tomorrow will be brighter and happier.
Hopefully you can rest and relax on the flight home.
Doctors and hospitals should help the people who can get healthy again.
I think Betty is eligible for a fine young man.
Every girl cannot be a ballerina.
How can I become rich?
Not everyone can be a poet.
Not everybody can be a poet.
Not everyone can be a KRS-ONE.
Every man cannot be a hero.
You'll get used to it in no time.
This means that others can only come to know you and like you by listening to what you say.
I think we can be friends.
The chameleon can take on any color.
Once you get used to electronic media, you can no longer do without them.
Just the sound of 'I love you' makes me feel stronger.

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