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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["続ける"]

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He has decided to carry on the work.
He decided to get on with the plan.
He will love her forever.
We shall go on reading this book until the end of the year.
We shall go on reading this book till the end of the year.
We'll read this book until the end of the year.
We're likely to continue reading this book up to the end of the year.
Some continue to work part time, while others do volunteer work.
The captain commanded the men to march on.
Those approaching retirement age have the choice of working or not working.
Many astronomers assume that the universe continues to expand forever.
You should keep on until you succeed.
How long can the world stand by and watch these atrocities?
The general commanded them to move on.
The scholarship made it possible for him to continue his education.
If he continues drinking too much, he will fall ill sooner or later.
I love, and will continue to love, my mother country.
I requested him to keep me informed.
All we can do is carry on the work until we finish it.
I kept gazing at her until she, totally confused, dropped her gaze.

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