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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["歩けなかった"]

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The corridor was so crowded that we couldn't walk.
The wounded soldier could hardly walk.
I was too tired to walk any farther.
He was so tired that he could hardly walk.
She was so tired that she couldn't walk.
He was too tired to walk any more.
He is too tired to go any farther.
He was too tired to walk any more.
He was so tired that he couldn't walk.
He was too tired to walk any farther.
He could not walk any further.
A sprained ankle disabled him from walking for a month.
My leg got hurt, so I could not walk.
I was too tired to walk any more.
I was too tired to walk any more.
I was too tired to walk any more.
I was too tired to walk any more.
The drunken man couldn't walk straight.
It was so hot that we couldn't walk for long.

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