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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["吸わない"]

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My father neither drinks nor smokes.
My father seldom smokes.
He advised me not to smoke.
He does not smoke.
He used to smoke, but now he doesn't.
He promised not to smoke.
You should better not smoke in his presence.
I tried in vain to persuade him not to smoke any more.
I admonished him against smoking for the sake of his health.
My father neither smokes nor drinks.
You had better not smoke while on duty.
The doctor advised him not to smoke.
Please refrain from smoking.
Don't you smoke?
I'd rather you didn't smoke so much.
Would you mind not smoking?
Would you mind not smoking?
You must not smoke.
Please don't smoke cigarettes no matter what.
You shouldn't smoke so much.

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