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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["無く"]

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My mother disliked caterpillars, not to mention snakes.
She takes singing and dancing lessons, not to mention swimming and tennis lessons.
Not only does she speak English, but also German.
He had no difficulty swimming across the river.
He can speak French, not to mention English.
He took the job reluctantly.
He has no knowledge, not to mention experience.
He has many foreign stamps, not to mention Japanese ones.
I wandered about aimlessly all day.
The teacher scolded the student for no reason.
More students than ever before have sat for their bar examinations this year.
Without a doubt!
Go ahead and talk.
He shivered a little in spite of himself.
Rex was a monster of a dog.
Please help yourself to the cake.
It goes without saying that honesty is the best policy.
Alex would correctly describe the object and color, even if he had never seen that object before.
This statement-of-purpose essay has no consistency in how the points are laid out and gives a distracted impression.

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