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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["激しく"]

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He resisted arrest violently.
His anger was such that he lost control of himself.
His nasty comments fueled the argument.
The waves dashed the shore.
The waves dashed against the seawall.
The waves dashed against the rocks.
Waves were battering the shore.
The views of the two politicians collide violently.
All at once it began to rain heavily.
Suddenly it started to rain very hard.
Suddenly, there was a period of terrible violence and hatred between blacks and whites.
Sales at the company zoomed thanks to brisk export demand, but profit did not keep up because of intense competition.
I often experience palpitations of the heart.
Prices were strictly regulated during the war.
Western countries are jumping on Japan for its stance on the issue.
The consumer price index has been fluctuating wildly.
The little boat bobbed on the rough sea.
The car crashed into the truck.
I felt my heart beat violently.
I felt my heart beating violently.

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