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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["行こう"]

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Let's play truant and go to see the movie.
I want to see the streets.
I want to go see the streets.
I'm thinking of going abroad.
I'm thinking of going to the States during the summer vacation.
What shall I go in?
What shall I wear when going there?
I'd rather go by train. I have a license, but no real driving experience, so I'm not very sure of myself behind the wheel.
Shall we walk to the station?
What do you say to going to the movies?
Let's stop off and see a movie.
When the rain stops, we'll go for a walk.
Come along with me and go fishing.
Let us go together. We can swim across the river, carry off the bear cubs, take them to the house on the mountain, and together find happiness.
I'm thinking of going somewhere for a change of air, since my doctor advises me to.
Hey Molly, why don't you come?
Let's go by bus to see more of the city.
If it rains tomorrow, we will go there by car.
Weather permitting, let's go on a picnic.
Fred tried to get to the door, but the table was in the way.

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