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If you don't want to put on sunscreen, that's your problem. Just don't come complaining to me when you get a sunburn.
Oh, but don't worry. I don't put the moves on straight guys.
"Where's that superstition from?" "Call it folk wisdom."
Alright! Listen up and listen well!
Tell me the meaning of life.
My hair's messed up this morning. At least lend me a hand mirror - it should be shut in the drawer there.
So, well, it's a bitter decision for the student council to make as well. Give 'em a break.
Whoops! There aren't many live coals left! Go make some kindling would you?
Let go of my arm.
Don't be a backseat driver.
I want a full report though.
Don't pussyfoot around the issue; do we have a problem, or don't we?
Yoshiki was hard up and asked Goro to lend him 20,000 yen.
Fry an egg for me.
Fry me an egg.
Fry me some eggs.
For God's sake tell me the truth.
You must make it clear whether you can come.
In brief, I need money. Please lend it to me!
Hey you, make a reservation.

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