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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["話をした"]

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The old man told the children an amusing story.
I told the story to anyone who would listen.
I talked to my heart's content.
The Vice-President talked at the meeting in place of the President.
She told the story with tears in her eyes.
She told me the story in confidence.
She was angry, but she spoke with restraint.
She accompanied her words with gestures.
She talked about her family.
She told me an interesting story.
She told us an interesting story.
She told the children an interesting story.
She told me the story in confidence.
She talked about the people and things that interested her.
They talked over a cup of coffee.
He gave an account of his trip.
He talked about his trip.
He spoke to the point.
He spoke with his mouth full at table.
He told us an interesting story.

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