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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["とした"]

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She tried to keep away from him.
She tried to make friends with him.
She wanted to have her hair cut, but her mother wouldn't let her.
She was a tall, slender blonde.
She tried to look much younger than she really was.
She tried to get a tent at the shop, but she could not find the one she wanted.
She wore a long, loose coat.
She tried to carry out her plan to save money.
She tried to screen her son from reality.
She tried to take down every word the teacher said.
She tried to smile in vain.
She tried to make both ends meet.
She tried to put energy into her voice.
She tried to hide her mistake from us.
She tried to hide her feelings.
She persisted in her opinion.
She made an attempt to ride a bicycle.
She attempted to kill herself.
She tried to commit suicide.
She attempted suicide.

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