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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["終えた"]

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The clever student finished the test quickly.
For the first time in her life, Yuka has finished reading an English book.
She finished her exercises in the given time.
She finished ironing the clothes a few minutes ago.
She has done her homework.
She finished her homework in an hour.
She finished reading the letter.
She finished the job with ease.
She began writing a report at eight, finishing it at twelve.
She got through her work before five.
She finished her work an hour in advance.
They finished the project on schedule.
They finished the work after a week.
They finished eighty miles' journey.
They finished a journey of 80 miles.
They were through with work.
He finished the bulk of his work before dinner.
When he finished running, he was happy.
He finished sorting the papers.
He got through his work.

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