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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["挙げた"]

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As she wanted to ask a question, she raised her hand.
She wanted to ask a question, so she raised her hand.
She took a typical example of modern music.
She made a name for herself as a singer.
They mentioned two famous tourist spots neither of which we have visited as yet.
He held up his hands.
He raised his hand.
He raised his hands.
He held up his hands in token of surrender.
He put up his hand to catch the ball.
He distinguished himself in the contest.
I had some questions and raised my hand.
I put Paul's name forward as a possible candidate.
We went all out to get the job done.
All those in favor held up their hands.
Such international cooperation produced great results.
Jim put his hand up.
He gave his remembering of race horse names when he was a child as the source of his language ability.

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