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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["変わった"]

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That was probably what influenced their decision.
My life changed, sparked by meeting Mr Matsukawa.
The caterpillar turned into a butterfly.
The sleepy town has been transformed into a bustling city.
The scene shifted to Chicago.
She's a very strange person.
She has changed a lot since high school.
She has changed a lot since then.
She has changed greatly since I last saw her.
Her unhappiness turned to bliss when she heard his voice.
Her expression underwent a sudden change.
Her anger gave way to sorrow.
He told his stories in a very unusual way.
He changed his address.
He moved to a good company that offered a good salary.
He returned to his land a different man.
He's changed a lot in his looks.
He's a strange character.
He's a strange person.
His strange habit confounded them.

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