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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["聞いた"]

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After patiently listening to the audience's complaints, the judges changed the results.
I've never heard anything more dreadful.
Did you ever hear of such a strange custom?
Have you ever heard of a custom as strange as this?
Have you ever listened to such a good music?
On hearing this, he turned pale.
Never in my life have I heard such a thing.
I've never heard of such a story before.
I've never heard of such a frightening story before.
This is the most exciting story that I have ever heard.
I've heard this story scores of times.
I've heard this story scores of times.
I have heard this story scores of times.
I've never heard of this actor.
I have never heard of this actor.
When the Englishman heard this last question, he could not believe his ears.
I remember hearing this tune before.
You can believe me, because I heard this news first hand.
I have heard this proverb used.
Kate listened to the radio all day.

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