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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["育てられた"]

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After his parents' death he was brought up by his aunt.
She was brought up in the lap of luxury.
She behaves as if she had been brought up in a good family.
She was well brought up by her parents.
She was well brought up by her parents.
She was brought up by her grandmother.
She was brought up by her grandmother.
She was born and brought up in Osaka.
She was brought up by her grandmother.
Brought up by a weak mother, she is partial to sweets.
She was brought up by her aunt.
She was brought up by her grandmother.
She was raised by her grandmother.
She was brought up by her grandfather.
He was bought up by his strong willed sister.
He was brought up by her grandmother.
He was born and bred a gentleman.
Brought up by a weak father, he is partial to sweets.
He was brought up by his uncle.
He was brought up in Australia.

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