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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["来なかった"]

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Nobody came.
No one came.
No one came.
Why didn't you get here sooner?
I explained the situation, as this, that and such and such, but they just nodded along without showing much interest.
He did not come on the pretext of sickness.
She didn't show up.
She did not come even as far as my house.
She didn't come after all.
She didn't telephone after all.
She cried and cried, but no one came to comfort her.
She did not come for a certain reason.
She waited for a taxi for two hours but couldn't get one.
She did not come until two.
Her absence robbed us of our pleasure.
No wonder she didn't show up to see him off. They broke up.
Outside of him, no one else came to the party.
With the exception of him, nobody else came to the party.
He was the only one who came to the party.
They were angry at his not coming to the meeting.

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